There are many areas in Kathy and Butch's Place. We have two paths to follow, the first is for my Genealogy Research, the second is to the Lighter Side Of Kathy and Butch's Place. I hope you will follow the Angel Guides to see most of them.
If you should find one a link not working, please contact me.
I have added a ~CHAT ROOM~
for my family and friends to enjoy, you can find the link below!! Just download the nessary program, in order to view and use the chat room.
I want to extend a Special Thank-You to those who so
generously offered their help and shared their information. Although, family research is never truely finished, You have touched
my heart, and made my family research a success.
I am proud to anounce that I am Ash Kicker!! To find support and information on becoming a Non-Smoker, Also check out the message board at Smoking Cessation At Delphi Forums

I hope you enjoy your visit in Kathy
and Butch's Place. I hope to update often, so please besure to stop in
You are listening to " Seven Spanish Angels "
By: Ray Charles &
Willie Nelson
Sequenced By: M. S. Proffit
Backgrounds, Buttons and Banner by Lady Dee
Rest In Peace My Friend
