I went
searching for an ancestor, I cannot find
him still.
He moved around from place to place, and
did not leave a will.
He married where a Courthouse burned, he
mended all his fences.
He avoided any man who came to take the
U.S. Census.
He always kept his luggage packed, this
man who had no fame.
And every 20 years or so, this rascal
changed his name.
I'm told he's buried in a plot, with
tombstone he was blessed;
But the weather took engraving, and some
vandals took the rest.
He died before the court clerks decided
to keep records.
No family bible has emerged in spite of
all my efforts.
To top it off,
This ancestor who caused me many
Just to give me one more pain,
Betrothed a girl named JONES!!

My Elusive
ancester is John Jones,
who married Joamania
Unknown. They had a daughter
named "Mollie Jones". Mollie
married Perry B. Barbery. Mollie
and Perry were living Marion VA,
in 1904. This is when my grandmother
Anna Lou Barbery was born and her
siblings, Douglas, Conn, Rose, and one
child who died in infancy.


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