Mom and Dad
You have always been there for us,
Have taught us right from wrong,
Have taught us God's word,
Have taught us his song.
You are very special parents,
And could never have been cursed,
You've had two beautiful children,
And have always put them first.
But you have big and generous hearts,
And you are so unselfish and giving,
You make the world a better place,
You make life itself worth living.
You were forty when my Twins were born,
Some would say past your prime,
But you gave Us everything We needed:
Your energy, your love and your time.
I haven't been the perfect child,
And I'm sorry If I caused you grief,
But you have shown me the right book,
And now I'm taking out a leaf.
And now I have my memories,
And my heart silently soars,
Because my friends always said:
"I wish I had parents like yours."
I would like to thank you God,
Because we have been truly blessed,
There is no other way of putting it:
~You are simply the best!~
Presented To Butch and I
On 12/20/2002
By Our Daughter,
Sonie South Kyer