On Christmas Eve most families leave Milk and Cookies for Santa,
knowing he gets a bit hungry traveling from house to house
delivering all the toys to good boys and girls.

But, have you thought about the Reindeers??
How they must get hungry too, pulling Santa's Sleigh
with all the toys!! Heres a recipe that will surely do the trick,
on Christmas Eve, to ensure The Reindeers will not become hungry
during their journey!!

~Magical Reindeer Food~

Add to one small baggie:
1/4 C Oatmeal
1/2 t. Cinnamin
1-2 Tbl. Red & Green Sugar

(This used to be made with glittery confetti, but the confetti could harm the animals and birds when they ate it)

Close with ribbon and add this message:

~Magic Reindeer Food~
On Christmas eve, Sprinkle this wonderfull
Reindeer Food on your lawn. The Colored Sugars
Will sparkle in the moonlight, and the smell of
The oats will guide Rudolph to your home.

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