Rains Circle of Prayer
~God Can~

When you feel unlovable, unworthy, and unclean,
when you think that no one can heal you,
Remember, Friend,
God Can.

When you think that you are unforgivable
for your guilt and your shame,
Remember, Friend,
God Can.

When you think that all is hidden,
and no one can see within,
Remember, Friend,
God Can.

And when you have reached the bottom,
And you think that no one can hear,
Remember, My Dear Friend,
God Can.

And when you think that no one can love,
the real person deep inside of you,
Remember, My Dear Friend,
God Does!


For A Special Friend

Someone needs your smile today,
Your hug, your listening ear.
Someone needs encouragement,
And gentle words of cheer.

Someone needs your helping hand,
Your letter ~ and what's more,
Someone needs your visit,
To make their spirits soar.

Someone needs affection,
When they are feeling blue,
Listen, someone's calling
For a special friend like you !!



~Email Me Here~

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